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January 2019 Newsletter

January 2019 Newsletter

Happy New Year!


Please come to the AGM on Saturday 2 February 2019 in the Northern Arts Club, Bon Accord Square,
Aberdeen at 3pm – refreshments will be provided: tea, coffee and cake!

You can renew your membership (£30) so do bring your cheque book! We’d rather you renew now by bank
transfer, contact Margaret Preston.

The AAS Constitution has been updated to make AAS more relevant for the modern artistic community.

Image: Jenny Ross

Aberdeen Art Gallery Reopening

Aberdeen Art Gallery will reopen in 2019 offering new spaces for exhibiting and exciting new
opportunities for the creative community.

AAS will be part of this – we are working closely with the gallery staff, and looking forward to
being part of the exhibition calendar.

Voluntary Donation to Fund for the Refurbishment of the Art Gallery

AAS has committed to become a founder member by contributing £2500 towards the fund.

If you wish to contribute to this voluntarily, please add a contribution when you pay or renew your
AAS subscription fee. We will put this towards the Fund for you.

Image: Iona Kewney

Please download the newsletter here:  January 2019 Newsletter