by Site Admin
In the current circumstances relating to the COVID-19 outbreak AAS continues to plan for possible disruption of our upcoming exhibition at Aberdeen Art Gallery. Aberdeen City Council announced the temporary closure of a number of buildings yesterday (19 March), including Aberdeen Art Gallery. Updates on re-openings or further changes will be announced when known. We are in communication with staff at Aberdeen Art Gallery & Museums.
Our call for work is currently open and the deadline for entry is 1st May. As this is an online submission system we are making no changes to this at this time.
We will post any updates to our plans on our social media pages, website and future newsletters. The health, safety and well-being of everyone is our priority and will be the basis for any decisions made during this challenging time.
by Site Admin
“Coming Home”
Saturday 6th June – Sunday 30th August 2020 inclusive.
We are delighted to announce the return of Aberdeen Artists Society to our first home, the beautifully refurbished Aberdeen Art Gallery, where in collaboration with Aberdeen Art Gallery we will be hosting an open selected exhibition of art works from across Scotland and the UK. We are now calling for submissions to this exhibition, which presents a very exciting opportunity for artists to help celebrate our “Coming Home”.
The Exhibition theme is “Coming Home” and will feature new or current works (produced during or after 2018), preferably with some relevance to the theme of “Coming Home” as well as to the local and contemporary context.
Submission of artworks will take place on-line, using the Open Exhibition Submission System (OESS). A link to OESS can be found on the Aberdeen Artists Society (AAS) website.
This is a 2-stage process: in the first stage, photographic images of artworks are uploaded to OESS for viewing by AAS selection committee. Works which pass the First Stage will be handed in for the Second Stage selection prior to hanging.
Key dates:
- OESS opens for submissions on 7th March 2020.
- OESS Submission Deadline: 12 midnight Friday 1st May 2020.
- First Stage Selection completed:15th May 2020.
- Entrants need to login to OESS on 16th May to find out the outcome of the First Stage.
- Works which have passed the First Stage Selection must be handed in during the weekend of 23rd & 24th May 2020 (details below).
- Second Stage selection and hanging between 1st and 3rd June. Artists will be informed of the outcome by email, on or around 3rd June.
- Opening event on Saturday 6th June 2020 at Aberdeen Art Gallery.
- Exhibition closes on 30th August.
- Collection of works 2nd September.
Exhibition Managers:
Susie Hunt and Bruce Swanson
All enquiries to AAS email:
Art Works
2D works:
- Artists are invited to submit up to 2 current two-dimensional artworks, completed during or after 2018, and these may include: paintings, drawings, art prints, photographs, mixed media and textiles. Paint must be dry. Giclee copy prints will not be considered.
- Dimensions: The work should not exceed the maximum size: 1000mm x 1000mm x 100mm (Height x Width x Depth), inclusive of frame.
- Artworks should not have been previously exhibited publicly in Aberdeen City or Shire.
- Works should be suitably framed, with D-rings securely attached to the back.
- All works must be for sale.
3D works:
- Artists are invited to submit up to 2 current three-dimensional works completed during or after 2018, which may include sculpture, ceramics, jewellery or textiles.
- Artworks should not have been previously exhibited publicly in Aberdeen City or Shire.
- We regret we cannot accept 3D works with electrical or moving parts on this occasion.
- Dimensions: no larger than 500mm x 500mm x 300mm (Height x Width x Depth).
- Weight: no more than 10kg for cabinet displayed works and 5kg for wall mountable works.
- Space for 3D works will be limited and it will not be possible to show free standing work, whether or not on plinths. Only works that can be displayed in the Aberdeen Art Gallery cabinet or hung on the walls can be exhibited, although we will try to show as many 3D works as we can.
- Works must be stable on their base.
- All works must be for sale.
Video works:
- Videos should be no more than 7 minutes in duration. Submission will be via OESS, but not as an upload directly – artists will need to provide their own weblink to Vimeo or similar provider. Video specifications are as follows:
Resolution: 1920 X 1080 (Full HD)
File type: MP4
Codec: h.264 (preferred)
Scan mode: Progressive
- Selected video works will be projected on a large wall space in the Gallery.
- We will compile selected videos into one loop and show them in a continuous sequence with pauses between works.
Submission and Selection Process
First Stage Selection:
- Go to the Aberdeen Artists Society website,
- Click on Exhibitions, click on 2020 Call for Works AAS Coming Home, click on the OESS link:
- OESS registration requires your email address and contact phone number, and for each of your artworks, the title, medium, sale price and dimensions.
- Upload a good quality photograph of each artwork to OESS (deadline is midnight on Friday 1st May 2020.)
Each uploaded image-file must not exceed 3.00MB and should be at least 96dpi. Smartphone photographs are acceptable, but for best results, use daylight. Please see the Photo Guide on how to prepare photographs of artwork to meet the necessary image size and quality standards:
- All submissions are subject to entry fees:
£7.50 per artwork for AAS members
£12.50 per artwork for non-members
Entry fees are payable through the OESS online entry system and are not refundable.
- The sale price of each work must be stated on the entry form, and must include commission (25% for AAS members, 35% for non-members).
- While all reasonable care is taken of works submitted, such works are at all times at the artist’s risk and artists themselves are advised to arrange proper and adequate insurance to cover against loss or damage.
- Artists submitting work must accept the Exhibition agreement on OESS.
The Selection Committee will consider all properly completed submissions. The decision of the selectors on all matters is final and no discussion or correspondence will be entered into.
For help with online entry, please contact OESS direct (details on the online entry form), otherwise please contact Aberdeen Artists Society’s Exhibition Manager.
Please note:
- The OESS helpline is for technical help only. No discussion on AAS policies or procedures can be entered into, nor will selection be discussed.
- Aberdeen Artists Society intends to show all submitted images on the Aberdeen Art Gallery video display wall, subject to our judgement of suitability and quality.
Artists should login to OESS on 16th May 2020 to find out if their work has been selected for the Second Stage.
Second Stage Selection
If your work has passed the First Stage Selection, for each selected work, print out two copies of the OESS Submission Form, one to present to AAS at hand-in, the other to be securely attached to each artwork being submitted.
Each selected work must have a swing label attached. Download and print out swing-labels from OESS. Paste the completed swing-label onto a piece of stiff card, attach one end of a piece of string to the label, and fix the other end of the string to the back of the artwork securely with adhesive tape. The swing-label is meant to hang down over the front of the work, and its purpose is to ensure we identify and catalogue each artist’s work reliably.
At the hand-in, your work must be accompanied by your printed OESS submission form. A copy of the form must also be securely attached to the back of each work, in addition to the swing-label. Your submission will not be processed without the paperwork and labels.
- Works with unsuitable, dangerous or insecure framing will be rejected.
- AAS reserves the right to change the hanging attachments, if necessary, for exhibition.
Selected works should be handed in at The Studio, Mill Farm, Kemnay, AB51 5NY, Saturday 23rd or Sunday 24th May 2020, 12-4pm. (Parking is unrestricted).
Alternatively, for the convenience of artists who live in Aberdeen City, selected works can be handed in on Sunday 31st May between 12 – 2pm at The Northern Arts Club, 8 Bon-Accord Square, Aberdeen AB11 6DJ. (Parking is restricted).
The Hanging Committee will review each work, and make final decisions on the hang.
Selected works which do not make it into the hang will be returned to Mill Farm Studio AB51 5NY and stored for collection by arrangement or on the final collection date.
Selection is not a guarantee that work will be hung, however we intend to display images of all submitted works in a digital show as an important part of the exhibition.
AAS / OESS will send emails to inform you of the outcome, on or about 3rd June 2020.
All communication will be by AAS email, ,
or via OESS.
The AAS 2020 “Coming Home” Exhibition at Aberdeen Art Gallery
Opening event:
Artists whose work has been hung will be invited to attend the Opening Event on Saturday 6th June 2020 at Aberdeen Art Gallery.
There will be a number of prizes, details to be announced at a later date.
All works once hung must remain part of the Exhibition until it closes on 30th August 2020.
Collection of unsold works and settling up
Collecting Works:
After the close of the exhibition on 30th August, all works are to be collected from The Studio, Mill Farm, Kemnay, AB51 5NY, 11am – 3pm, on 2nd September 2020, otherwise by arrangement.
Artists collecting their works must bring some identification or else provide written and signed authorisation for whoever is collecting on their behalf.
Uncollected works:
Remaining works after this time will become the property of AAS and may be disposed of as appropriate, since we have no storage facilities.
Payments to Prizewinners and Sales money:
Payments to prizewinning artists and for works sold during the show will be made by Aberdeen Artists Society by cheque or BACS.
How to become a member of Aberdeen Artists Society:
Download Final call as pdf
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