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Contacting an Exhibition Organiser

For entrants experiencing problems not fixable by OESS helpline, you can contact one of the Exhibition Organisers as follows:

Send an email to: describing your problem, and include your name and mobile telephone number.

One of the Exhibition Organisers will call you back.

Please note, we can’t discuss any aspect of selection or hanging other than practical or logistical difficulties you may be experiencing with the process of submission.

Buying Artwork at AAS Online Exhibitions

Using the OESS exhibition facility, two options are available on each
artwork page:

Buy Now button:

  1. This enables a buyer to purchase and pay immediately
  2. The buyer can see the Terms and Conditions and enters his card details
  3. Once payment is confirmed by Stripe the red dot appears on the artworks
  4. An email is sent to the administrator stating artwork, price, artist name, artist email, buyer name and buyer email.
  5. The buyer receives a receipt from Stripe.
  6. The AAS OESS administrator informs the AAS Secretary, emails the contact details of the buyer to the artist. The artist must then arrange for the delivery of the artwork. If the cost of delivery has not been included in the sale price, the artist must arrange for payment of the delivery cost in line with the exhibition rules (which will be laid out in the Terms and Conditions).

Under GDPR regulations, by entering into the transaction, the artist and the buyer agree to allow their contact details to be shared with the art society, and with each other for the sole purpose of negotiating the sale and delivery of the artwork.

Membership pamphlet

“The Society has been established for over one hundred years, although exhibitions did not run during the wars years; in the late 1940s, and early 1950s (the 2014 exhibition was the  the 80th in this time) – and, it seems a little incredulous, the Art Gallery in Schoolhill, Aberdeen was actually built to house the Society’s Annual Exhibition and the Macdonald Collection.

The early exhibitions of the Society featured such revered artists as Augustus John; the english impressionists, including Walter Sickert, and members of the Pre-Raphaelite Movement” …..

“Particles of Light”

A fully illustrated account of the history of the Aberdeen Artists Society can be found in the book “Particles of Light” by John Morrison, published in 2000 by the Society.

This book is available from the Society.

Please contact the secretary for details.