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Aberdeen Artists Society AGM 2020

Aberdeen Artists Society AGM 2020

Detail from a watercolour by AAS member Peter Davis

The Aberdeen Artists Society AGM will be conducted via Zoom on Saturday 7th November at 2.00pm. AAS President Dr Bruce Swanson will preside over the formalities and cordially invites you to attend.

The meeting agenda will include nominations and voting for a new President and Vice President since both roles are becoming vacant, together with other important roles which you may be interested in. The next exhibition will need a Selection Committee, which is made up of all council members, in addition to two society members from out-with the council. A Hanging Team of eight, plus convenor can also incorporate members of the council and others from the society membership. These roles are valuable and an opportunity to influence, learn and to be involved with a major exhibition. If you would like to put yourself forward, or nominate someone (with their permission) please send an email to:

This past year has tested the Society’s flexibility and there has been a big effort to modernise, including upgrading the website, and much was learned from the transition from a gallery presentation to on online exhibition. Please join the meeting and share your views and offer your support. Any questions should be addressed to the president for inclusion in the agenda, again via email to: Note that it will not be possible to open up the floor to open discussion with the Zoom format.

If you would like to attend please can you send a note of interest to: to receive the zoom entry information via email.

The AAS Council