How to resize an image
***The max size for each uploaded image onto your gallery is 1.2 MB and should be in JPG format!***
If you have a PC:

- Double-click on your image. Click the three dots in the top right corner.

- Then click Resize and choose a size. MP is not the same as MB so after saving your image, check the size by hovering over your image with your mouse. If it’s still too large, do the process again and choose a smaller size.
This method doesn’t give you the option to change pixel dimensions. Use the instructions for “any computer” (see below) in case you want to do this.
If you have a Mac

- Select “Adjust Size” under Tools to change the dimensions and resolution. Avoid warping and retain your image’s original proportions by checking “Scale proportionally” and “Resample image.”
On any computer
Go to https://www.befunky.com/create/resize-image/ to use a free online image resizer.

- Open your image from your computer by clicking “open” on the top.

- Select “Edit” from the left, then click the triangle next to “Essentials” and “Resize”.

- Change the pixel dimensions for width or height and keep the Lock Aspect Ratio on. Depending on the current size of your image and submission requirements, you will have to make a smaller or larger reduction in pixels. *LONGEST EDGE NO LARGER THAN 2000 PIXELS Then click apply.

- Go to “Save” and choose “Computer”.

- Choose a file name different than the original file name. Make sure “Format” is set on JPG and that “Quality” between 50-70. Here you can check how large your file will be. In this example it’s 1.8 MB but for uploading on AAS please make sure no larger than 1.2MB. Click save. Your image is ready to submit!
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